This project is held together by the string and glue of lots of organisations and people without whom we wouldn’t be putting it together at all. So thanks go to:
Tim Godden – Co academic lead, illustrator and print-maker and all round chum.
Nick Stone – Project coordinator Designer, photographer, heritage communications, design and social media consultant (it me).
Paul Reed – Military Historian, for the loan of images, encouragement and advice.
Peter Bryant – Has run this from day one, First World War on this day.
Andrew Macdonald of Waveney Archaeology and Hidden Commemoration for his enthusiasm, research, pictures and marmalade.
Jess Macdonald and Richard Jeffery for putting lots of pins on maps and making me laugh.
Alison Treacy who has formatted an inhumanly large amount of text very very quickly.
Matthew Champion for sharing his experience with community archaeology projects, his advice, support and encouragement.
Margaret Draycott and Bev Goodwin who are a formidable team.
Geoff Sullivan for his data skills (and feet on the ground) despite allegedly being awful at maths.
Chris Garfirth for following a trail out to Ypres and appearing on the BBC.
Jon Welch at the BBC for the massive coverage and all the work involved in doing it.
Organisations and people who have assisted
Gateways to the First World War and the Arts and Humanities Research Council for assistance with funding building the project. Websites here and here. In particular Dr Stefan Goebel – Co-academic lead.
The Western Front Association, in particular David Henderson for their support and assistance, letting the project use information and research they have already completed. Website here. Particularly Taff Gillingham – WFA Suffolk, community sponsor, Great War Huts and Khaki Chums amongst many other things.
Starfish – Design and communications. Without whom the identity and website wouldn’t look as nice as it does.
The National Churches Trust – supporting church buildings across the country. Website here
NADFAS a national organisation which supports local Decorative and Fine Arts Societies. The church recording and conservation section of their website is here.
Norfolk Museums – Protecting Norfolk heritage and assisting us with images.
Picture Norfolk – The Photographic archive of Norfolk County Council.
Welsh Memorials to the Great War with thanks to Gethin Matthews of Project information here. Funded by Living Legacies.
And all of the people who have liked Retweeted and shared the project so far and supported what seemed like a daft idea which is proving more popular than we imagined already, they know who they are! Thank you.
For all the returned.
Percy, Herbert and Sid who are still out there and Fred and Alf who came back.

Thanks to:
Alasdair Mackie
Alison Wilken
Allan Christian
Amanada Bristow
Andy Arnold
Andrew Davidson
Andrew Digby
Andrew Holmes
Andrew Howson
Andrew Macdonald
Andrew & Marcus Pritchatt
Andrew Thornton
Andrew White
Anne Petrie
Ben Makin
Bob Howe
Beverley Goodwin
Cath Rhodes
Christine Garfirth
Christine Wild
Christopher Kreuzer
Conor Reeves
Dan Raymond
David Allton
David Kench
David Parmee
Derek Bird
Donald Fraser
Eammon Handley
Ed Hutchings
Edward Nicholl
Elin Jones
Genevra Charsley
Geoff Snare
Geoff Sullivan
George Mees
Gwyneth Roberts
Ian Spelman
James Kerr
James McArthur
Jason Kercher
Jen Lindsay
Jess Macdonald
Jo Bayley
John Harris
Johnny Brydon
John Sheldon
John Vigar
John ‘Nudger’ Needham
Jon Pope
Jula-Louise Vladár
Karen Ward
Katrina Alexander
Keith Roberts
Kieron Hoyle
Lindsay Whitehurst
Lynn Bennett
Lyn and Keith Edmonds
Marc Hope
Marcus Given
Margaret Draycott
Martyn Cook
Martyn Hudon
Mark Allen
Mark and Janet Ratcliffe
Mark Sterndale Bennett
Matt Champion
Maurice Stokes
Michael Day
Mick Black
Mike Edwards
Miranda H Brown
Neil Pudney
Patrick O’Mara
Paul Goodwin
Paul Reed
Peter & Jo Bull
Peter Butterfield
Ray Chesworth
Richard Roberts
Richard (Vulcan Howl)
Roger Owen
Samantha Fryer
Sarah Shepherd
Sarah Wearne
Scott Galloway
Scott Brand
Sheila Cameron
Simon Bendry
Simon Harris
Stephen Peart
Stevie Kerr
Steven Cape
Steve Masdin
Stuart Disbrey
Stuart Lyle
Sue Gregory
Sue Morris
Suzanne Duffy
Suzanne Make
Taff Gillingham
Tim Fox-Godden
Tim Thurlow
Toby Brayley
Tricia and Bill Shooter
…without whom.
And anyone we may have forgotten, apologies.