St Mary’s Church, Bell Lane, Aldworth, Berkshire, England, RG8 9SB
Believed to be the cross of Gunner Willian Pinfold RFA. This is a Second World War Marker in all Likelihood.
The cross is located outside the church, upright against the nave window. (see photo) It is difficult to confirm origin since there are no GRU tags or name cited on the cross (see photo). The location does serve as a memorial site for WW1 remembrances, as evidenced by the wreath laid by the RBL next to the cross. Above the cross, set into the church wall is a plaque listing the 11 men from Aldworth who died 1914-19, and the 4 men who died 1939-45. (see photo).
Cross dimensions
Shaft Height: 680 mm
Cross beam width: 490 mm
Width of wood: 70mm
Thickness or depth: 50 mm
Finish: No varnish to the cross, and un-oiled. An additional cross beam has affixed on top of the original.
Condition: The condition is fair, although evidence of weather damage
Additional Comments:
The church contains a stained glass window (see photo) with the inscription:
Of your charity pray for the repose of the souls of those men from this parish
Who fell in battle for their country in the wars of Our Lord 1914-1919
Believed to be the cross of Gunner Willian Pinfold RFA.
Link to IWM.
Rank: Gunner
Service No: 1781838
Date of Death: 06/03/1945
Age: 24
Regiment/Service: Royal Artillery
241 Bty., 77 H.A.A. Regt.
Grave Reference: 33. F. 5.
Additional Information: Son of Walter and Emma Pinfold, of Norwich, Norfolk.

Survey Conducted 17 November 2016 by Alison Wilken
As a young boy the wooden cross used to have a metal name plate with the name gunner Pinfold William on it and his number. My Grandmother and Grandfather a Mr Harry Pinfold, Williams brother would take me there to see it and cut the grass around it . After that we would go and see a Mrs Dora Marcham at Bower farm lane for tea. Good old days. Roy Beasley.