Unknown British Soldier

Location – Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory 9 Warriston Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4HJ

Details on cross (Text content of cross):

GRU 0-L-7

 Across the cross piece is a plaque that states

‘Unknown British Soldier’

On the shaft is a plaque that states:


This cross


Marked the grave

Of an unknown

British soldier

Of the

Western front

And is entrusted

To your care

By the


Text type (e.g. hand-written, GRU tags, carved): GRU Tags

Cross dimensions (millimetres please) N/A

Notes and observations: (optional)

Amongst the vast amount of militaria they have there in Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory they have one original grave marker.

Survey and Photographs courtesy of: Charlie Pelling, Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory.

Date of survey: 9 October 2017