Lieut S Wing

Location: St Peter and St Pauls Church, Teigh Road, Market Overton, Rutland, LE15 7PW

Details on cross:

In memory of  Lieut S Wing

65th How’s Battery


Killed in Action



Text type (e.g. hand-written, GRU tags, carved): Black paint

Other information

Finish (varnish, paint, oiled, unfinished etc):  White washed wood

Condition (cracked, paint peeling, woodwork, damage etc):

Good. Wash fading.

Notes and observations:

A plaque above reads “The roses in this churchyard are planted to glorify God and in memory of 2nd Lieut, Vincent Sladen Wing, 65th Howitzer Battery RFA killed in France Augut 10th 1917 only son of John Sladen Wing of this parish. He loved true and beautiful and willingly gave his life for God, cause and country and for us.  His body lies at La Gorgue Estaire. ‘I thank my God upon every remembrance of you’

Survey and photographs courtesy of Tricia Shooter and Sue Morris

Date of survey: 7/8/17