Lieut. CG Lewthwaite MC

Location: St Anne’s Church, Thwaites, Cumbria

Details on cross:

In memory of

Lieut. CG Lewthwaite MC

C/231 Brigade RFA

Killed in Action

July 29th 1917

Text type (e.g. hand-written, GRU tags, carved): Painted

Cross dimensions (millimetres please)
Shaft Height: 800mm approx

Other information
Mounting to wall: Mounting screws

Detailing: Engraved metal plate screwed to shaft

Notes and observations:

When entering the church from the porch the cross is clearly visible to the left, on the wall behind the font. Installed in church in 1924.
here. The Lewthwaite family lived nearby at Broadgate house and the family served in the British Army for several generations after 1917. Bde Lewthwaite died around 1998

Survey and photographs courtesy of M Street. Date of survey: 29/7/17 (synchronicity…)